Saturday, December 15, 2012

NFL Week 15 Predictions

We have ourselves a crucial week this week in the NFL. From the Packers and Bears with a Division title up in the air to the AFC where seeding has now become a four horse race, when just last week it was seemingly the Texans that were going to pull away with the number 1 seed. This season has been an eventful one, and as the playoff race heats up, I am going to break down the implications of every matchup that involves teams with realistic playoff hopes in the NFL this week.

Cincy at Philly: Well, seeing as this game has already been played, their really is not not much of a prediction here. However that does not change the playoff implications of the game for the Bengals. They have two games remaining on their schedule against the Steelers and the Ravens. Winning both of those would not give them the Division crown persay, they would need the Ravens to lose to Denver this week, the Giants next week, and the Bengals would have to beat the Ravens in a week 17 showdown for the crown. But even if the Ravens do not lose their remaining three and the Bengals win out, they are a lock for a wild card.
Denver at Baltimore: Being a lifelong Broncos fanatic, this season has been magical for me. However, I am writing this with no bias at all so I will proceed with my prediction as such. This game has a lot on the line for both teams. Yes, Denver has the AFC West crown, but that does not make this game any less important in their battle for the number 1 seed. As it stands the Texans are the 1 seed followed by the Pats at the 2 seed the Broncos at the 3 spot and Baltimore rounding off the number 4 position. Denver is one game ahead of Baltimore in the standings and to win this game would give them the head to head tie breaker, and a two game lead over the slumping Ravens. Baltimore needs this game seal up their division and for positioning, with a loss they would give the Bengals and Steelers both hope in capturing that title. In this matchup, you can call me a homer, but I like the Broncos. Peyton Manning is playing some very good football and their Defense lead by Von Miller is scary good. The Ravens have been in a kind of funk the past two weeks and they are way to reliant on Flacco. He is a good quarterback, but that's it. If the Ravens want to win this game, Ray Rice needs at least 20 touches, and I do not know if that will be enough against this stingy Denver defense. It will be a fiercely competitive game, but I am taking Denver over the Ravens, 24- 17.
NYG at ATL: This is a game with big written all over it. Eli- Matty, Cruz- Julio, Hakeem- Roddy, and so many other big names. There is a lot on the line for the Defending Champs and they know that, positioning, division title, and their "flip the switch" personality. With the Cowboys and the RGIII lead Skins hot on their tail, this is a must win game for them. The Falcons already have their Division locked up, but they not only want that number 1 seed, but they desperately need it. They are trying to make a statement that they can win a playoff game, and play for a championship. And what better way to start than by not having to play the first round? This game will determine a lot of things, but I am taking the Giants in the Georgia Dome where Matty Ice is normally untouchable. The Giants D has been better as of late and I feel like JPP, is going to have a great day. Eli will lead the offense in one of his playoff type performances. Matty will be filling the pressure all day and be sacked a total of six times, and throw a pick as well as a fumble. I am taking the Giants, 35- 24.
Green Bay at Chicago: This game will be the deciding factor in who wins the NFC North. I realize that the Vikings have a shot with Adrian Peterson having an MVP caliber year, but I do not think he can do it on his own, and with no Percy, I don't see them getting the title. That being said The Green Bay Rodgers will win this game and essentially lock up the Division. With Cutler struggling and their only offensive threat outside of Marshall not producing in Forte, I do not believe that will be enough to keep up with the best all around QB in the league in Aaron Rodgers. The Bears D is really good but, even at soldier field, the Packers have had a so so season by their standards and would are looking to make a playoff statement. I have the Pack with the W, 31-14.
RGIII at Cleveland: What a nightmare this Griffin kid has been to opposing Defenses, and for a Browns D that has been better than most, RGIII will dominate. Even at his age he wants to win Championships and to do that, he has to get to the playoffs, and to do that, he has to keep winning in the regular season. Last week against the Ravens, he may not have won the game, but he made sure they were in it until he went down. Although he is questionable for the week, he has said a couple of times he is going to play. I feel that he feels they can make the playoffs and to do that he is going to have to play, and play lights out. It may be his best performance of the year and will seal the debate over rookie of the year. The Browns Offense just is not capable of producing big yet. But I feel that next year they will be better off to make some noise in a tough division. Taking the Skins, 28-7, and RGIII will have a hand in all four of the Redskins scores.
Indy at Houston: This is my personal favorite of the division matchups this week, and its not because I have friends who pull for both teams. The Texans hold the best record in the AFC and clinched a playoff birth, but they do not have their division locked up, and it is a wonder why. Well it is because of Andrew Luck and that resilient young Colts squad. The Colts lost Peyton Manning to a neck injury last year and in doing so they wound up with a tough decision, the future or compete for a championship immediately. They took Luck number 1 overall, and let Manning go to the Broncos (much to my pleasure). I, along with every NFL fan, had low expectations for the Colts coming into the year, but they have well exceeded everyones expectations and have a shot at a playoff spot and a Division crown. The Texans are looking to repeat as the Division champs, and to do so they have to knock off those pesky Colts, who they have to play again in week 17. The Colts are playing emotional football for their coach and I don't see it stopping, I see Andrew Luck leading his team past the Texans in a very close matchup leading to a week 17 showdown between the two. The Texans D has struggled as of late and the Colts have found ways to win. If Matt Schaub shows up to play, it will be tough, but their is no lead safe from Andrew Luck, I am taking the Colts 38-35.
Pittsburgh at Dallas: With both of these teams fighting for a playoff spot and the Division title, its hard to say who needs it more. Dallas has GM, HC, and QB issues that need to be addressed but the GM and Owner don't see eye to eye... Literally. But Jerrys "slim shady" issue aside, they are constantly bashed by their "leader" in Tony Romo, who can not for the life of him take the blame for anything and insists it is the receivers fault he threw into triple coverage and got picked off. Their Head Coach is so clueless you could probably tell him its smart to go for it on 4th and 20 in your own endzone. But this is not a roasting of Jerry and his beloved Cowboys, this is merely a prediction of what will happen. I believe the Steelers will win, and the Cowboys playoff push will come to a screeching halt as yet another year with high expectations, goes crashing down. Big Ben seemed to find his touch at the end of last weeks game, even if it was a little to late, and he is a baller. He knows what to do to win and when to do it. Steelers 35-21.
49ers at Pats: Tom Brady, everyones favorite bad guy. We love to hate him, why is that exactly? Is it because he has an amazing track record, or that he looks like an underwear model for Tommy Hilfiger? Or is it his ego, that is second to only Donald Trumps. The answer is all of the above and the fact we are tired of the Patriots being good. That being said, there is a new kid on the block who is seemingly here to stay. That kid is Collin Kapernick. He and his 49er squad look to march into Foxboro and make some noise. I am taking the noise in this matchup with high stakes, and siding with the 49ers. The D is sensational and Kaep gives the Offense another element. An element the Pats O doesn't have and that a QB that can create plays with his legs. That alone is what makes this matchup enticing, how will the Pats D respond to this, who have made improvements on the Defensive side. The 49ers will win a close one and essentially seal up their division, and cool off the red hot patriots. 49ers 24-21.
I would like to thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it, feel free to leave your comments and opinions below, and subscribe to the blog if you liked it and stay tuned for other posts on a variety of subjects. Thank You.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Walking Dead: Midseason finale review and prediction!

If I had to sum up the midseason finale for the Walking Dead Season 3 in one word, it would not be enough, that's how fantastic it was. If you do not watch this show, this will probably serve as little relevance to you as Honey Boo Boo does to me. However if you do watch the show, I hope you do find my review and prediction insightful. Also if you are a fan of the show and have not seen the indicated episode I suggest you stop reading right here, because I am about to spoil it for you.
Personally, they could not have done this show as a whole any better. I, sadly, have not read the comics but I'd be so far behind in those that I would probably lose track of reality. That being said if you have read the comics and are upset with the route they have gone with the show, get over it, we fans of the tv show do not care how it should have been done to you, all we care is the direction of the show now and why the writers continually send us into cardiac arrest with these cliffhanger endings, among other things. Which brings me to this most recent episode.
When we last Rick and Company they had just sacrificed a deranged hermit of a man, to a pack of very hungry walkers, and are now planning their search and rescue of Glenn and Maggie, who are being held captive at Woodbury by the Governor and Merle. Andrea is unaware that Glenn, her former groupmate, is being held captive and tortured by Merle. But I have ultimately decided she is completely unaware of anything at all, except the next time her and Phillip are going to, (in the words of my dear friend Landon) nananananana.
Our episode picks up outside of the prison where a new group of surviors, lead by comic fan favorite Tyreese, is seeking shelter for him and his peers. We already get a good vibe from Tyreese by the way he leads his group and makes life or death decisions in the best way possible. I for one can not wait for him to be a bigger part in the show. I have heard through out the course of the comics him and Rick become pretty close. I believe Rick needs a shoulder to cry on, it beats hallucinations 9 times out of 10. While tending to the duties of the group leader while his Dad is gone, Carl hears a scream and goes to investigate. It turns out that it is Tyreese and his motley crew, and they are under heavy walker attack. Carl helps them out and then leads them to the cell block and locks them in. Tyreese, at the disgruntlement of his group, willingly accepts this and seems to understand why. In my opinion, Carl has gone from annoying pipsqueak who always inconveniently showed up at the wrong time and never listened to his parents, to this certified walker killing bad ass, who has been forced to grow up faster than he should. His character has evolved so much and has actually grown on me, and proven he can role with the big dogs and lead the group when necessary.
Meanwhile back at Woodbury, Michonne leads Rick, Darryl and Oscar into the town and into a room where the street is visible. While in hiding a guy on patrol comes in and is subdued by Rick and the dos amigos. Maggie and Glenn plan their escape by using Walker bones as knives and Glenn proceeds to puncture a guys jugular with a zombie fibula. This is just simply awesome, not only did Glenn take down a walker while he was strapped to a chair, but now he's channled his innovative inner Asian and decided that a bone is just as good of a prison shank as any. However Glenn and Maggies escape comes to a screeching halt when they're outnumbered by Merle and the rest of the Woodbury PD (figuratively). Gun shots are fired and this helps Rick discover their location, and he comes in with flash bangs and smoke grenades to save the day. After rescuing the battered Asian and his lady friend. Glenn tells Darryl that they were tortured by none other than his own flesh and blood, Merle. Glenn, thinking all along that Merle is dead, tries to tell Rick to let him talk to him, to which Rick responds, no I need you here, and Darryl reluctantly agrees. In this moment I felt that Darryls allegiance to Rick finally became blatantly obvious. I was always skeptical that Darryl, who is my favorite character, would be reunited with his brother, and they would run off and die in a hole. In this moment though you can really tell that Rick is dependent on Darryl and vice versa. They both need eachother and they both realize that.
In the midst of all of this, Michonne runs off to the Governors house to wait for him, and kill the jerk who stole her friend from her. Upon her arrival she discovers a secret room, in which the infamous wall of zombie heads in fish tanks is. Also in this room, The Governors undead daughter is chained up, and with her discovery, Michonne shows some remorse, but not much, on the Governors behalf. Phillip arrives at the room and draws on Michonne, and begs her not to kill his zombie daughter. To which she shows no hesitation running her sword through the back of the girls head. A massive brawl ensues between the Governor and Michonne, which ended with some eye popping (pun intended) results. The Governors fish tanks full of zombie heads are shattered, and from that glassy mess, Michonne shoves a shard of glass into the governors eye. As Michonne collects herself and begins to leave, Andrea arrives right on queue, with a gun pulled on her old pal Michonne. No shots were fired and Michonne left a little battered and bruised, but in her mind she had accomplished what she thought needed to be done. Andrea tends to the one eyed governor, in disbelief to what has happened between Michonne, and to the random wall of walker heads that were now spread all over the ground. This fight scene has to be the most edgy confrontation of the show, second to only Shane and Ricks showdown. I was holding my breath the whole time praying that Michonne would at least get out alive, and she did, barely.
While the showdown of the season was afoot, Rick and the gang had to firefight their way out of Woodbury with a mixture of gunfire and special grenades. In the process of this Darryl says he will lay down cover fire to aide their escape. While trying to get out, Oscar was shot and killed attempting to help Glenn get out. This is fairly significant blow to me, and in not the way you would think, because this just further proves my theory that the Walking Dead allows one black guy at a time in Ricks group. T Dawg, was their for the longest stint, until he made a very honorable sacrifice play, Oscar had only just begun to prove his worth to the group before getting booted to make room for the now inevitable inductee, Tyreese. Personally, I think two sassy black guys could add some form of comic relief in this otherwise humorless world, but I also don't write for the show. I just hope and pray the same rule doesn't apply to Glenn, because I am going to become real nervous for Glenn's life when another Asian male makes an onscreen appearance. But that is for the future, now back to the story at hand.
Glenn, Maggie and Rick make it out and seek shelter in the bushes near the gates of Woodbury, and begin to wait for Darryl. While waiting Michonne limps her way into the picture, and Rick takes her sword and accuses her of taking them into a trap, to which she says you got your people and you are going to need my help to get Darryl back, or get your wounded back to the prison, so you need me. When she says this, I got the sense that Michonne finally found a group that's strong, dependent and trustworthy and she does not want to be on her own anymore, and will do whatever she can to win herself a spot under Ricks leadership.
The story then shifts back the our dear friend the one eyed governor who is uberpissed that he was, A. Lied to by Merle, because he said he had killed Michonne and, B. Upset that he's going to have to get an eyepatch and endure snarky comments until the end of his days. He stares down Merle (to the best of his ability), and you get the sense that he is done with Merle. Now we are in the area where the staged zombie fightclub took place. The people of Woodbury are more than a little confused as to why their town was being shot up in the middle of the night. The Governor begins to explain that it was a terrorist attack, and that they were betrayed by Merle. He claims that Merle was who lead the terrorists there, and among those terrorists was Darryl, Merles baby brother. Upon hearing this Merle, who we could always tell did not like being the Governors dog, immediately becomes disgruntled and I feel that his allegiance to the Governor is no more. At this point the WPD (Woodsbury Police Department), bring out the captured Darryl (insert frowny face). The Governor basically ends the midseason finale in a standoff between the Dixon brothers and it seems all to apparent he is going to make them fight. And thats where they end it, like I said on the edge of your seat, with numerous unanswered questions as well as broken TV remotes at an all time high.
But I must ask you to ask yourself, would you have it any other way? We may loathe those endings but that is what keeps us coming back for more. I personally feel that without the way the writers write this show, and the way they end almost every episode, people, myself included would be way less inclined to see what is next. With that said I'd like to move on to my predictions for where they will go from here.
In exchange for the way they write these endings, they give us just inklings of clues to draw up conclusions on our own. They do this with thirty second clips after every episode showing what is going down. They don't give away anything to dastardly, but I got enough out of it to come up with these predictions.
I think that both Darryl and Merle make it out of Woodbury. I say this because a few tiny things happen in the clip that indicate this. In the clip we get a glance of the courtyard that they ended the episode in, and it is blanketed in smoke, by some sort of foreign object, now who do we know that has those items in their possession. If you said Rick, then you are right and you can pat yourself on the back. I believe that Rick, goes back into Woodbury alone to go after Darryl, and ends up with both Darryl and Merle. Now before you ask why I think that, A. He goes alone, and, B. He gets Merle too, let's look back at the clip. In the clip, there is a half of a second in which we see Darryl running through the woods, so our favorite boondock saint lives. Now for Merle, and Ricks going back alone, there is a fragment that suggests this as well. It is outside the prison and Michonne and Glenn are running towards someone and Glenn yells, what the hell is he doing here. Before you say that could be anyone, remember that Merle is probably the least popular person among Michonne and Glenn, aside from the Governor, and why would Rick have the Governor with him, let's be realistic. So I believe that both of the Dixon brothers will escape, and Merle will willingly succumb to Ricks leadership, because he sees how well him and Darryl are and he wants a shot at the Governor who just blamed him for everything. As for Tyreese, I feel at first there might be bad blood, but eventually he and Rick will join forces, and prepare for an all out war with the Governor, which I feel will end with some casualties to our heros, but the downfall of Woodbury and the Governor, and I feel the deciding blow won't be delivered by Rick and Company, but by an overabundance of Walkers that swarm at the sound of a firefight. And lastly on my predictions, I believe Andreas allegiance will change once again when she sees Rick and the group, but she will be walker food as soon as she is accepted by the group again.
I would like to Thank You for reading, and hope you enjoyed my opinions and predictions, as much as I enjoyed writing them. I had to get this off my chest because it was killing me, so I figured I would turn to the blogs, because let's be real, this was a long and thought out opinion. Feel free to leave any comments or your personal opinions on the matter at hand and I am looking forward to a great second half. Also, this is my first blog entry, and it will not be the last, it is also not subjective to the Walking Dead. I will post about numerous different things from sports opinions and predictions to music and movies. So feel free to follow this blog, or look for my links on Facebook and Twitter for those who know me personally. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed.