Friday, January 4, 2013

Top 3 Favorite Actors

In this edition of Almost Amusing, I am going to give you my 3 favorite actors, and what makes them worthy of my ultimately meaningless Top 3. I will advise against reading this post if you are not into the Cinema or simply do not care about Acting as an art medium. With that said I hope you enjoy.
3- Joseph Gordon Levitt: JGL is currently one of the many Hollywood heart throbs that we are all so madly in love with. However what make him unique and in my top three is his versatility to play many roles. When you look at his resume compared to the other
pretty boys in Hollywood, his characters vary and he does it effectively, which is what he separates him from the pack. Look at Chris Hemsworth, he almost always plays a buff bad ass, granted he is good at it, but its one dimensional and personally is to predictable. When going to see a movie with Hemsworth, you are almost guaranteed a scene with his shirt off, predictable. When we look at JGL, he can be the cute, helpless romantic, or the hothead cop, or even Bruce Willis' counterpart, which is a pretty bold testament alone. That said, my favorite JGL movie that he leads as the Actor in is 50/50. If you have not seen it then you should, it is of the dark comedy genre and is a very powerful flick. Levitt plays a phobia plagued young man who is diagnosed with a rare spinal cancer. His performance was really moving, and I felt he deserved an Oscar nod, but then again I am biased. Levitt is a well rounded, solid actor that is charming, but also very powerful.
2- Tom Hardy: Tom freakin Hardy, as I call him, is a baaaaaaad man. He is my mancrush in the straightest way possible, but who doesn't have one of those. Tom Hardy won me over with his portrayal of Tommy, the younger of the two brothers in Warrior. Hardy illustrates his ability to be more than a bad ass in the chick flick This Means War, where he plays one of two spies who fall for the same girl, which got terrible reviews, however I thought it was a fun movie. Tom Hardy is a British actor, so you could assume he is popular with most women audiences. While this is true, many view him as the next Stallone, which is appealing to the male audiences. Tom Hardys screen presence is overwhelming. Everytime he's in the scene, he owns the scene and it he makes you feel for his character regardless of its nature. In The Dark Knight Rises he plays Bane, a brawling terrorist with a warlord mindset to take over Gotham and restore balance. Although when you see Bane, he has the persona of pure evil, however Hardy wants you to feel anything other than hatred for the character, he does so effectively. Tom Hardy makes my list because not only is he versatile, he puts everything into every character he plays, and I feel like if I was to pick a guy to be my personal security, it'd be him.
1- Leonardo DiCaprio: Anyone who knows me knows that Leo has been my favorite actor forever. Was it because my first onscreen movie was Titanic? I don't even know, but I think one of the reasons he is my favorite actor is his meticulous selection of his roles. Every role Leo plays he has some sort of new challenge it seems like. One of my favorite movies with DiCaprio is Blood Diamond. Here DiCaprio demonstrates his inner mercenary and not only conquers a very difficult accent but makes us love a guy who is illegally smuggling diamonds. This movie packs a punch and at its helm is DiCaprio. He always delivers and I have yet to see a single movie I dislike with Leo in it. My biggest issue is not with DiCaprio, but that he is notoriously snubbed at the Oscars. When he isn't nominated, like his portrayal of J Edgar, he should be. And when he is nominated, he never wins. It's a mystery as great as Area 51 as to why the Academy has yet to award him an Oscar. However, critics are raving about his newest flick Django Unchained, in which he'd be nominated for a best supporting actor, but we can only hope. Leo is sure to get snubbed as sure as Kim Kardashians baby is sure to be Asian. Leonardo DiCaprio is undoubtedly the best actor of his generation, and is always sure to put on a great show in any movie he is in. From Titanic to Gangs, The Departed to Shutter Island. Leonardo DiCaprio boasts one of the most impressive and difficult resumes of any actor alive, and that is why he is my number one.
I would like to Thank You for reading this entry, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I like to rant. That said, if you enjoyed feel free to comment below and follow this blog. If you know me personally just look for the links on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks again for reading and stay tuned for the next edition of Almost Amusing.

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